Burlingame High school offers standards based
courses in Ceramics. We study Art History, its interconnections,
and its effects on other disciplines. We look at art and sculpture
from a variety of times, geographies and cultures. Our projects
consist of figurative sculpture, pottery, hand building, and
expressive sculpture. |
Descriptions - back -
Syllabus Ceramics 1 & 2 - [ click
here ]
District Course Description - [ click
here ]
Printable Materials-
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Projects -
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- Vessels and Surface Decoration |
Test Tiles |
Stirrup Bottles |
Coil Building
Pottery of the Greeks |
Lidded Container |
3 Vessels |
Art History
Homage/Study |
SPRING - Sculpture
and Sculptural Forms |
+ Game board
Mayan Art Unit |
+ Figurines
Mayan Art Unit |
Goblets |
Scultpure |
Masks |
Instruments |
Helpful Websites -
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ART LEX - A lexicon (like a dictionary)
of art terms and stylistic periods
ART - A collection of images of ancient art from Egypt, Greece,
Rome, and the Near East
Art Design
and Visual Thinking Website - (Principles and Elements of Design)
Videos and Slides we see in class: - back
Art of Ancient Mexico, part 1 - Kultur Video
Lost King of the Maya - NOVA
Slides of Minkisi sculpture from the Kongo and Mayan Figurines
The Life of Leonardo Da Vinci - Questar
Slides of shrines and arches of Japan and Europe
RODIN The Gates of Hell - Kultur Video
Slides of Contemporary Ceramic Artists
Surrealist Art Assignment