Ceramics 1, 2 Advanced
Room D1
Burlingame High School
Mr. Noyes
Artwork by Czarina - click for large image

Burlingame High school offers standards based courses in Ceramics. We study Art History, its interconnections, and its effects on other disciplines. We look at art and sculpture from a variety of times, geographies and cultures. Our projects consist of figurative sculpture, pottery, hand building, and expressive sculpture.

Artwork by Czarina - click for large image

Page Contents
  1. Course Descriptions
  2. Class projects
  3. Printable materials
  4. Helpful Websites
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Course Descriptions - back -

Syllabus Ceramics 1 & 2 - [ click here ]

District Course Description - [ click here ]


Printable Materials- back -

Glaze record


Self evaluation and project checklist


Class rules and Procedures


Glazing help sheet [624 kb]


Parent Questionaire


4 Step Critique Sheet


Projects - back -
FALL - Vessels and Surface Decoration

Test Tiles


Mochican Stirrup Bottles




Coil Building


Pottery of the Greeks


Lidded Container


3 Vessels


Art History Homage/Study




SPRING - Sculpture and Sculptural Forms

+ Game board
Mayan Art Unit


+ Figurines
Mayan Art Unit


Mosaic Goblets


Animal Scultpure




Musical Instruments



Helpful Websites - back -

ART LEX - A lexicon (like a dictionary) of art terms and stylistic periods

ANCIENT ART - A collection of images of ancient art from Egypt, Greece, Rome, and the Near East

Art Design and Visual Thinking Website - (Principles and Elements of Design)

Videos and Slides we see in class: - back -

Art of Ancient Mexico, part 1 - Kultur Video

Lost King of the Maya - NOVA

Slides of Minkisi sculpture from the Kongo and Mayan Figurines

The Life of Leonardo Da Vinci - Questar

Slides of shrines and arches of Japan and Europe

RODIN The Gates of Hell - Kultur Video

Slides of Contemporary Ceramic Artists

Surrealist Art Assignment